Wednesday, March 6, 2013

SP9326: 05/03/13 - Knot a bad start...

Spurred on by the first warm, spring-like day this year the trap was set for the first time since last November. The reward was a Grey Shoulder-knot - a new* 'macro' for the garden - which others have, it seems, no trouble in trapping.

2237* Grey Shoulder-knot


  1. A nice start! not a common moth for me, average about 2 or 3 per year.

  2. Ornithom - thanks! - though I should have gone to 'specsavers' before taking the photo :-P
    On the plus side, i'd like to add your blog to my link-list? :-)

    Ben - thanks for the info. I'm really looking forward to the new season - let's hope the weather gets it's rear end in to gear...
